Friday, November 9, 2018

araw token ico2

ARAW token
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With the introduction of ARAW tokens, at the core of a decentralized biological distribution community controlled by Ethereum Blockchain, we want to increase blockchain selection for normal individuals around the world. We are a major UK organization whose mission is to consolidate the benefits of e-commerce and payment companies. Providing end-to-end answers to the e-commerce market, touch cards and cryptocurrency payments, cryptocurrency online payments, and integrated blockchain systems integrated with ARAW tokens. The purpose of ARAW tokens is to be part of every day online and retail offers from everyone.

The Joint Combined Compensation System allows specialized organizations to cancel wholesale DIRECTIVE tokens to help them design their compensation designs. ARAW tokens are currently the same as basic bonus points because tokens are used and replaced for most members of the ARAW biological system. In addition, ARAW owners can convert their stamps into paper money through a portable ARWAW wallet and deposit money into the relevant financial assets.
ARAW tokens also allow regular customers to participate in the world of fast-growing digital currencies - including all collections. One of the main components is the ease of acquisition for customers because the compensation plan is now normal.

Araw's existing platform Araw UK Ltd. was established in 2016. This platform is implemented with virtual tokens without blockchain support. We offer our clients services like
Customer Analysis: Loyalty customers, their points and payments in real time.
Customer Insights Dashboard: Connect real-time customer information and translate this insight into more revenue and customer loyalty.

Business customer card
Increase sales with new and loyal customers: Participate and reward your customers.
Get to know your customers better and bring them back to your company: Differentiate between sleeping and loyal customers and send the right deals to the right customers.
In-Store Marketing: To promote the Digital Customer Engagement program, we offer in-store marketing materials.

Building on our expertise in the awards and loyalty program, we go further and launch an integrated gift ecosystem that uses blockchain technology as a fully integrated backbone and currency.

ARAW tokens ecosystem
 Image result for araw bounty
The Araw Ecosystem has been carefully designed from the start as a supportive space where users of their blockchain transactions can be confident. To capture many users, we have provided an ecosystem platform that can be scaled up and effective, yet simple, through the Ethereum Blockchain, allowing customers and brands to communicate without restrictions in a reliable, reliable and mutually beneficial manner.

Araw Card - Touch and Pay
With Araw Touch & Pay cards, customers can make micro payments in cafes, supermarkets, and online shopping daily. This includes Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to communicate with card readers to enable untouched payments. With the release of Araw Card we expect the acceptance of the Araw platform by increasing the number of regular customers.

Sales Tokens
Ticker: DAY
Art Token: ERC20
ICO-Token-Preis: 1 DAY = 0.01 $
The total number of tokens: 5,000,000,000
Available for sale of tokens: 3,500,000,000 (70%)
White List: YES (May 15 - June 30)
Get to know your customers (KYC): YES Presale
Start date: July 1
General sales start date: TBD
Soft Cap: 5,000,000 USD
Hard Cap: 25,000,000 USD
Received: ETH


For more information :

Author :
Buk Man

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