Wednesday, December 12, 2018


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LUCRE is an exclusive automated trading system for Cryptocurrency, created to go beyond the strategy of using Cryptocurrency. It was developed by a team with 8 years of algorithmic trading experience. Holding crypto currencies is not the best way to increase your wealth recently. The LUCRE algorithm is based on the non-HODL philosophy; Deal! allows you to trade in both long and short directions. The big attraction of this project is the ability to generate revenue in all market conditions, buy and sell with every opportunity that is felt. Even when the market moves south, the algorithm tries to generate profits with shortcuts.
Lucre Trading Algo will work on the Metatrader trading platform. Participants in selling tokens will receive an LCR token that will monitor Algo's performance. Prices will be updated regularly to accurately reflect the value of Crypto's main assets traded by Algo. A participant can trade on the exchange that will register the LCR token.

Means of selling tokens will be used for two main purposes:
Complete the development of LUCRE Trading Algo (complete testing, adding various cryptograms, optimizing performance, and implementing automated trading with various Crypto API brokers when they are available and stable).
Use 40% of Token sales funds to trade Cryptocurrency with brokers and share profits with participants in selling Tokens. Small shoulders will be used a maximum of 3 times. Trading will be carried out in both directions for a long time and in a short time, depending on the direction of the market, which was discovered by LUCRE Algo. Each order has a predetermined stop and stop profit and profit from profits.
With a down payment, you will receive an LCR token that provides premium membership and limited access to services. When you have this token, you can make money by combining the various options described below. Tokens can also be sold to other participants. With LUCRE, Token traders do not need to contribute additional funds, because they can benefit from initial participation with the benefits of the algorithm. At the same time, participants can use their funds to trade additionally on the LUCRE trading signal. Thus, you can increase your profitability. You can choose one of the following options or combine them to optimize your income.
Join during the event to sell tokens to get a percentage of profits, comparable to the initial contribution, made by the algorithm in the Trade Pool.
Use signals for trading: You will receive a BUY SELL signal for Cryptocurrency, which you can use to trade manually with your broker.
Use the Autotrading LATER service. Users can use a portion of their Fiat funds with the Autotrade algorithm, with all benefits directly transferred to participants.
The only opportunity to buy tokens after LUCRE sales will be exchanged with Token sales participants. If Algo is successful, it will increase buying interest and, therefore, will cause higher prices for LCR tokens.

Benefit Of The Lucre Platform
LUCRE will render automatic trading services will be independent of the user or the trader’s emotions. Emotions usually drive how traders deal with the market. Fear limits the possible growth lying around the horizon and being too complacent blinds the underlying falls in the corners. The automated trading process helps buying and selling at an opportunity that maximizes gains.
The image below present a year’s worth of performance data of the algorithm used in trading versus HODLing tokens in terms of value.
LUCRE can also do some backtesting. Trading rules are being derived from historical market data and will be applied to evaluate the system’s trading performance and expectancy of market values. These expected market value is critical for the users’ amount of loss and gains.
Discipline will also be exercised given that trade execution is done automatically, leaving minimal human interferences. The automation will bring forth consistency in trading results for all parameters are being monitored accordingly. LUCRE’s algorithm to predict when to cut short or lengthen a trade brings optimized and more efficient trading results.
Lastly, users will be trading 24×7 through LUCRE’s algorithm. And as human as we are, doing so is impossible. So the use of automation makes this possible where market highs and lows are strongly monitored.

Product Development Stage
The LUCRE trading algorithm is in the Alpha phase. Tests for core product functions were carried out from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 for 365 days.
Currently, LUCRE Trading Algo only processes BTCUSD (Bitcoin) (CFD) derivatives. Other crypto currency will be added over time. HODLing's only performance is good for the times when the market continued to rise, but on December 18, 2017, after the peak, it turned into sourness. However, Algo's trading performance is unique.
The table below provides a comparison of the hypothetical commercial performance contributions of $ 10,000 on 1 April 2017 in both systems. One is an account that stores BTC (red) for the entire period and the other contributes to the LUCRE Algo trade (in blue). Algo's transaction performance continues until January 4, 2018, and BTC overcomes the performance of HODL.
There is a difference between the 'high risk' and the 'unacceptable risk' in the minds of many participants - the crypto currency has traditionally been the last. LUCRE aims to bring retail participants to an acceptable level for allocation. The maximum payout of the LUCRE Algo process is 30% for 1 year commercial test results. In comparison, BTCUSD dropped 70% from the summit in December.

Safety And Automation
The deposit will immediately be converted into US dollars after the completion of the sale of the Token and transferred to the Derivative trading account, where the offer will be executed. Holding derivatives is not safe. LUCRE Trading is 100% automatic. A complete list of second-hand brokers will be available on our website when trading starts. During checks, additional exchanges will be added.

Marketing And Participants Attitude
The LUCRE team will invest significant time and effort in Tok Token marketing marketing, which is focused on participants in the traditional financial sector, by producing information sheets, explanatory videos and easy-to-understand planning documents. LUCRE will focus its marketing efforts exclusively on unregulated markets. No encouragement or invitation will be held where participation is prohibited or is likely to be banned in the near future from staying in compliance with local laws.

Token Info
Token Symbol = LCR
PreICO Price = 1 LCR = 0.77 USD
Price = 1 LCR = 1 USD
Bonus = Available
MVP/Prototype = Available
Platform = Ethereum
Accepting = ETH
Minimum investment = 0.1 ETH
Soft cap = 2,000,000 USD
Hard cap = 7,000,000 USD
Whitelist/KYC = KYC & Whitelist
Restricted areas = USA, Canada, Nevis
Image result for lucre bounty

December 31, 2017
Your FX trading company has been created.
The first Algo transaction is made for major currency pairs.
Forex trading is open to customers
Early research and development for cryptothermines
June 30, 2018
Smart contract development
Smart contract and dashboard development
September 30, 2018
Participants in the "White List"; Run a gift program.
December 31, 2018
Pre-Token Sales
Launch the LCR Token Sales Event
June 30, 2019
Open to stock exchanges
Increased end of Algo trading
December 31, 2019
Automatic routing service starts (beta)
March 31, 2020
The latest version of the version

For further Information Visit the following sites:

Author :
Buk Man

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